Veselka: The Movie


New Documentary ‘Veselka’ Explores A Restaurant Family In Wartime. This concept resonates in a new documentary about Veselka, a third-generation owned and operated Ukrainian restaurant in New York City about family and becoming a surrogate family to so many, along with kindness and paying it forward.
The must-see documentaries of 2024: A heartfelt documentary that charts the evolution of this mainstay in the “Little Ukraine” area of New York City’s East Village for pierogis and goulash, which took on a new meaning when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

The Hollywood Reporter:
Oscar Predictions via Feinberg Forecast: Veselka the movie is up for consideration for this year’s Oscar shortlist for Best Documentary Feature. We are also in consideration for Best Original Score and Best Original Song.
The Village Sun
“It was important that we captured what was going on,” said Jason, who often appears in the film wearing a vyshyvanka, a traditional Ukrainian shirt meant to show hope and pride. “This continued war is raging, but it was important to show how it affects this small little hamlet and the employees on an emotional scale.”
"Veselka: The Rainbow on the Corner at the Center of the World” pays enthusiastic tribute to Veselka’s place in the city, and to its 70-year history as a family restaurant."
New York Post
"While “Veselka” is first and foremost a deeply affecting story of a family-run restaurant, at the film’s best it also serves as a vital reminder — and a wake-up call for some — of what’s at stake in Ukraine’s ongoing war against Russia and of New York’s strong connection to a valiant fight for survival 4,700 miles away."
"Every New Yorker has a Veselka story. A new documentary follows second-generation owner Tom Birchard, as he plans to retire from running the beloved Ukrainian restaurant, an East Village staple."
"Its message is clear: in times of terror, pain, and hardship, the human spirit prevails, often around a table of shared meals and stories. The film not only highlights the resilience of the Ukrainian people but also serves as a reminder of the power of community and cultural preservation in the face of adversity."
"... demonstrates the power of food and a particular community; however, every tenet of the film details ideas and themes that affect everyone. Just as every culture has a version of a pierogi...every viewer of the film will see their father, son, friend, and neighborhood in the people on the screen."
Movie Jawn
"... when the family of Veselka is shown, and the impact the restaurant has had on lives — bringing them from the war front to safety, and to a ready-built support system — is deeply moving."
Temple of Geek
"Between Fiore’s storytelling, Duchovny’s narration, Shore’s score, and the Birchard’s open hearts, VESELKA has the power to reignite their very worthy cause."
New York Times
"The film (in theaters now) starts as a fun story about a New York institution, and its tone is resolutely hopeful and convivial. But it rapidly becomes a demonstration of a community’s efforts to support loved ones under siege."
Awards Radar
"... the doc is about much more than a Ukrainian diner. It’s about no less than the need for compassion in this world. The way it conveys this makes it one of the most satisfying films of the year so far."
CBS News New York
"... it's been there for 70 years and is considered a beacon of hope for Ukraine. Not just a beacon of hope, but it also has some great food."
JB Spins
"... there are a lot of poignant moments in Veselka, because the drama is real and the potential for tragedy back home is a constant threat they must live with."